Twelve women ordained in Spain

Jo Bennet becomes Lokadhi, a Sanskrit name meaning "she who is wise about the world" (bar over the "i", westernised spelling Lokadhi); Private Preceptor Dhammadassin.
Juliette Durance becomes Sukamala. A Sanskrit name meaning "a beautiful or excellent lotus flower" (Westernised spelling Sukamala); Private Preceptor Kalyanasri.
The Public Preceptor for these was Ratnadharini.
Karenza Fullerton becomes Bhadrakari. A Sanskrit (and Pali) name meaning "she who creates auspiciousness" (bar over the last "a" and the "i", westernised spelling Bhadrakari); Private Preceptor Dharmanandi.
Yvonne Greenaway becomes Kulajalini. A Sanskrit name meaning "she who is equipped with the net of community" (bar over last "a" and the "i", westernised spelling Kulajalini); Private Preceptor Samachitta.
Tricia Leggat becomes Amlanadhi. A Sanskrit name meaning "she who has bright, unclouded wisdom" (bar over the second "a" and the "i", westernised spelling Amlanadhi); Private Preceptor Dhammadassin.
Ann Dennehey becomes Dayamudra. A Sanskrit name meaning "gesture of compassion" (bar over the second and the last "a", westernised spelling Dayamudra); Private Preceptor Viveka.
Val Blomfield becomes Vijayadipa. A Sanskrit name meaning "she whose light is victory" (bar over the last "i" and the last "a", westernised spelling Vijayadipa); Private Preceptor Srivati.
Judith Tomlinson becomes Acarasraddha. A Sanskrit name meaning "she whose shraddha is immovable" (an accent over the "s" and bar over the last "a", westernised spelling Acharashraddha); Private Preceptor Parami.
Lis Whitelaw becomes Danasamudra. A Sanskrit name meaning "she who has an ocean of generosity" (bar over the first and last "a", westernised spelling Danasamudra); Private Preceptor Parami.
The Public Preceptor for these was Vajragita.
Mieke Philips becomes Satyapara. A Sanskrit name meaning "she who is absorbed in, solely devoted to Truth" (bar over the last "a", westernised spelling Satyapara); Private Preceptor Akasasuri, an dPublic Preceptor Padmasuri.
Claudia McLoughlin becomes Akasadevi. A Sanskrit name meaning "goddess of infinite space" (bar over the first and second "a" and the "i" and an accent over the "s", westernised spelling Akashadevi); Private Preceptor Subhadramati.
Susanne Burtsche becomes Utpalacitta. A Sanskrit name meaning "she whose heart / mind is like a blue lotus" (bar over the last "a", westernised spelling Utpalachitta); Private Preceptor Kulanandi.
“Please note that, in order to avoid confusion and inaccuracy, the Sanskritists who check our names point out that the westernised spelling of the name should be used where it is not possible to indicate all the diacritical marks required in the proper Sanskrit / Pali spelling.
“With metta, Parami.
Labels: Order events, Ordination, women
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