Wednesday, October 20, 2010

National Buddhist Youth Convention to be held in India

the Mahabodhi temple at Bodh Gaya
NNBY - Triratna’s Indian-led National Network of Buddhist Youth - write with details of their 2010 National Convention, to be held next month (November 16 at 9am - 21st at 5pm) in Bodh Gaya. Led by Subhuti, it’ll be on the theme of ‘Friendship, Brotherhood and Leadership’. They say -

“Join us for the 3rd National Convention of National Network of Buddhist Youth , Bodh Gaya, 2010. It is an expression of our firm commitment to transform India into a country where Liberty, Equality and Fraternity are its basis.

“For the last four years NNBY has been determined to propagate the great ideology of Lord Buddha and Dr. Ambedkar to create various opportunities for youth to connect to a meaningful life and in generating new ways for them to contribute in development of their fellow unprivileged friends. We envision young minds in India engaged in empowering self and social transformation. Our vision is a world where we GROW TOGETHER WITH MUTUAL LOVE.

“The National Convention will explore -

• Brotherhood, Friendship and Leadership by focusing the youth's boundless courage, energy and strength.
• Teachings on various life-enriching skills, non-formal education, career and personality development, non-violent communication (NVC) etc
• A series of lectures from distinguished Dhamma teachers and social activists.
• Group discussions, Open Forums for sharing various perspectives, Cultural and Sports activities.

NNBY circumambulating the Temple
“Our network and the NNBY Convention are open to all youth between 15-40 years, who believe in humanism and rationality and have faith in the mission of the Lord Buddha and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.

The venue is the Nyingma Monastery in Bodh Gaya, very close to Triratna's own land in Bodh Gaya, the fee is Rs 500/- , and they conclude with a friendly request, saying "Prior registration is essential for all those who want to participate .... Kindly don't just turn up!" Happily, registration forms can be filled in online by visiting

NNBY's fund raising page can be found here:

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