Saturday, October 09, 2010

Aryamati wins poetry prize

Aryamati writes from Manchester, UK, to say - “l'm pleased to say l've won a poetry prize in Didsbury Arts Festival.  l'd like to give thanks to Bhante, for encouraging us to develop our imaginations through the arts.  Only when l came to Manchester as a mitra did l begin writing poetry; my gratitude to him for opening a new awareness - and to Ananda and Manjusvara for their ‘Wolf at the Door’ workshops, and their friendship. And to Vishvantara for her love and support.  

“This poem was inspired by a Garden exhibition at Manchester Art Gallery, it's in 2 parts. 
Lots of metta to you all, Aryamati


Gertrude Jekyll

Pole-axed by weak sight
 you turned from Turner to gardens; 
enthralled by his whites, his touches of red
you poured them into English borders;
banking marigolds beside lavender,
startling delphiniums
with folk foxgloves;
weekend gardeners
became painters.

Jarman said it with flowers to Dungeness Powerstation

By the concrete hulk,
the nuclear powderkeg,
chrysanthemums mourning
flagrant scarlet-orange
poppies crumpling;
bulwarks of huge daisies
lavender’s blue-mauve
dilly-dilly - on withered sedge;
thyme passes unloved sand-dunes,
wild flowers crown rusting crosses.
Zen stones
final filming.



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