“Importantly, the school won't teach from a philosophical backdrop of Vedanta or any other branch of Hinduism. Nor will our teaching focus only on the physical and energetic aspects or asanas. We are hoping to do something a bit more unique in the yoga world. We aim to offer a course built on a solid foundation of the Buddha's teachings.

"Along with writing the course, we need to affiliate ourselves with a recognised body. We have chosen one known as the IYN (Independent Yoga Network www.independentyoganetwork.org). Among other things it actively lobbies to prevent yoga becoming legislated by British government or what used to be the Sports Council. We therefore feel more of an alignment with it as being more in keeping with the direction we've taken as Buddhists." “We are both busy writing the course which will comprise of around 500+ hours teaching time. We aim to launch our first course in Spain in September 2012. All being well, we will gain many students and offer something a bit different in the yoga world.
"For more information about the course please see our web site: www.BodhiYoga.es "
Good luck! Hope it spreads to the UK one day.
Interesting stuff
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