Stupa containing Dhardo Rimpoche's ashes inaugrated at Vimaladhatu Retreat Centre in Germany

Sunday 22 May was a very auspicious date indeed for Triratna in Germany: the day when we finally completed and inaugurated the beautiful Stupa in our Retreat Centre Vimaladhatu.
About 120 people came to Vimaladhatu for this occasion - the shrine-room had never been as full before! Our guests of honour were Rupadarshin, the stonemason and main creator of the stupa, and Mahamati who was master of ceremonies.

Mahamati gave a beautiful talk on Dhardo Rimpoche and his meaning for Triratna. Bhante Sangharakshita had entrusted one of his last relics of Dhardo Rimpoche to Mahamati, who had brought it to Germany to be enshrined in the stupa. The relic is a Tibetan-style "tsatsa", a mixture of clay and ashes moulded into the form of White Tara. Through this relic, and through his threefold message engraved in golden letters in the stupa, Dhardo Rimpoche's life and work have become a continuous influence and presence in our collective practice at Vimaladhatu.

It feels like we've done something daunting, significant, of lasting value. This stupa will stand there and do its magic long after we're all dead. Already the place does feel transformed in a very palpable way...
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