New premises for Triratna in Portland, Maine
Dharmasuri writes from Triratna’s Nagaloka Buddhist Center in Portland, Maine - wherer they’ve just doubled the size of their Centre! She says -
“ Nagaloka Buddhist Center in Portland, Maine, USA, moved into our new spacious location on January 15, 2011. We are now located at 54 York Street, which is much closer to the Portland waterfront (Atlantic Ocean). Our new rental space is much larger. We doubled in size from a downtown storefront location to our current space with many windows allowing more natural sunlight. In addition, we have a kitchen, separate room for our bookstore, and common bathrooms for ladies and men. This enables us to offer weekend day-long retreats including a healthy vegetarian lunch made from our kitchen.
“Nagaloka continues to grow and develop in Portland increasing the number of individuals who walk through its door. We currently have a very delightful, lively group of individuals who are very enthusiastic in supporting our little Center. Currently our mitra count is 11 with interest from others. We are very grateful that so many individuals have exemplified Sangha, especially in making our move happen. Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
Dharmacharini Dharmasuri
Labels: New Hampshire, USA
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