Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Escaping Caste - documentary on BBC World Service

On Thursday at 9:05 GMT BBC World Service will be broadcasting a documentary called Escaping Caste features an interview with Dhammacari Manidhamma (left), and was made with the help of various members of the FWBO and TBMSG. The focus is on Dalits who are, or recently have converted to Buddhism, following the example of their hero Dr Ambedkar.

The Producer, Tessa Watt says: "It presents the story very much from a socio-economic point of view without attention to Buddhism as a spiritual path -- the editor was very clear that this was what they wanted for the news and current affairs slot. " However it does make clear that caste prejudice is still a major problem for Dalits in India, and that many of them see Buddhism as a way to escape from that prejudice.

The world service is broadcast around the world. Another slightly longer version is being prepared for the BBC Radio 4 Crossing Continents programme. The programme includes a graphic account of the recent atrocity against a Dalit family in Maharastra which some may find disturbing.

Escaping Caste is available on the BBC website.



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