Buddhashanti writes from Triratna’s Liverpool Buddhist Centre to say -
“Dear Friends, this to let you know that we moved on Sunday 10 July to a new
home in Rodney Street. Five of us -
Mary, Jose, Antoinette, Lindsey and I processed up Duke Street to Rodney Street
carrying our small Buddha rupa and thanka and chanting the Shakyamuni mantra. This was a good if unusual thing to do and I felt
it added significance to our move rather than just walking up the hill to a
higher place in Liverpool. Shaun very
kindly and generously lent the van and Ian did the driving.

“Rodney Street is a very attractive and quiet location and will suit us
very well. It’s located close to the
city centre. It was a very busy weekend
with preparing and decorating the room on Saturday and then doing the move on
Sunday. We had a great time, and a long
day, in getting most of the painting done and transforming the room to our
needs. It does look lovely now. Everybody
there really threw themselves in to the work and I want to thank everyone
involved. Our new address is Liverpool
Buddhist Centre, 66 Rodney Street, Liverpool, L1 9AF
“We have a great Sangha in Liverpool.
“With metta,
Find them on Facebook
or at www.liverpoolbuddhistcentre.co.uk
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